Athletes: please note that academic eligibility for all sports beginning in Semester 2 will be determined based on Semester 1 final grades. All students grades 9-12 must have a 2.0+ GPA with no more than one F. All students in grades 6-8 must have a 2.0+ GPA with no Fs. These requirements are per NMAA policy and will be strictly adhered to by MISD.

Open gym for boys' JV & V teams will resume on Monday, December 21, 2020 @ 3:30 pm. Boys who are deemed ineligible for S1 will not be allowed to attend. Remember to come dressed (no locker rooms) and wear a mask.

As part of NM MESA’s Big Give, please join our MESA High School and Middle School students in their effort to clean up our community. You are encouraged to pick up trash around your neighborhood on December 16th . Thank you for your support. Together our small actions equal one BIG effort. Please share your photos by emailing them to lmanuel@mora.k12.nm.us, frivera@mora.k12.nm.us, or ssalinas@mora.k12.nm.us.

Buses will depart the district at 9 am today, December 11th. Please be at your child's bus stop to pick up meals. For your safety and ours please wear your face masks while picking up meals. Thank you!

If you did not receive a stimulus check last spring, you may be eligible to receive funds through CARES Act funds received by the State of New Mexico. The State of New Mexico has appropriated $5 million to provide economic relief caused by the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
Through this program, the State is offering a one-time cash assistance payment to qualifying New Mexico residents.
Payments will be provided to a household, on a first-come, first-serve basis and a limited number of form requests will be accepted based on funding availability. All form requests must be submitted by December 11, 2020. Payments will be issued by the end of December 2020. The link for the program is: https://www.yes.state.nm.us/yesnm/cares

High Schools Students: UNM School of Engineering is hosting a virtual engineering night. Tomorrow December 10, 2020.

Buses will depart the district today, December 4th at 9 am with meal deliveries. Please be at your child's bus stop for pick-up. Thank you!

The state of New Mexico has created a portal to look up P-EBT benefit status and or change of addresses. Find it here:

Meal deliveries for Monday, November 30th have been canceled. Regular meal deliveries will resume on Friday, December 4th at 9 am. Thank you!

"If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney
No one could have dreamed we would revolutionize education in just a few short months. But here we are! Today we say THANK YOU to teachers and students, first and foremost, for their adaptability. They have adjusted, at any and all cost, to be successful and to continue (our new definition of) school. THANK YOU to all those who support this process (cafeteria, transportation, maintenance, administration, IT, finance, athletics, and mental/physical health staff). THANK YOU to families who continue to support children’s growing and learning.
Although this year has been trying, we can truly see all we have to be thankful for. During this holiday season, we hope for health, safety, and happiness for anyone who is a part of or touched by Mora Independent School District. Happy Thanksgiving!

Buses will depart the district at 9am with meal deliveries today. Please assist your child with today's bulk meal pick-up. If you have any questions please call 575-387-3115. Stay safe & healthy!

Out of an abundance of caution and recent COVID-19 exposure we will be operating on a remote schedule until November 30th. Essential services will continue and we are planning to have our regular scheduled meal delivery this Friday.

You can still get your Ranger & Rangerette gear in time for Christmas!

Families will receive a bulk meal delivery with items to assist with your Thanksgiving Meal on Friday, November 20th. Due to the Fall Break the Meal delivery schedule is as follows:
Meal delivery for Friday, November 27th will take place on Monday, November 30th at 9am. Regular meal deliveries will resume on Friday, December 4th.
Stay Safe and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

All athletic practices are paused for the next two weeks (Nov 16-30). We will advise when we have revisited this and practices may resume. Happy Thanksgiving, Ranger and Rangerette families! Be safe and stay healthy.

Buses will depart the district at 9am with meal deliveries today. Please be at your child's bus stop for pick-up. If you have any questions please call 575-387-3115. Thank you!

Boys' basketball Open Gym is cancelled for today. We will resume on Tuesday, November 17. Have a great weekend!

Open Gym (out of season practice) will begin tomorrow 11/10/20 for boys' JV & V basketball teams. We will be following all COVID safe practices/policies dictated by NMPED, NMAA, and NMDOH. Practice will begin at 4:00 pm. Athletes must come dressed in practice gear and wear a mask. See you there!

Here is a coupon code to use for 25% off during the grand opening of our school spirit store.

Buses will depart the district at 9am with meal deliveries. Please be at your child's bus stop for pick-up. If you have any questions please call 575-387-3115. Thank you!