NM MESA thanks all of our students for choosing to be in the NM MESA program. We look forward to working with you and want to encourage you to explore some of the ways to become active as a NM MESA student!
Each student will need to complete the following forms for the 2020-2021 school year. All electronic versions are available at https://www.nmmesa.org/students/.
If you are completing an electronic version, please verify the region you are in so it is entered correctly. All schools/regions are listed HERE
A-1 Parent Permission Form: Can be submitted hard copy or electronic
A-2 Student Profile: You can take a paper A-2 Student profile form home to get information from your parent(s) OR fill it out with a computer, laptop or cell phone. NOTE: Student profile information will be available in MIMS within one week of submittal.
A-3 Field Trip Agreement Form: Can be submitted hard copy or electronic
Learn how to fill out the W9 form for the Loyalty Award Application. click here
You can email your parent permission forms to:
High School - Lorinda Manuel (lmanuel@mora.k12.nm.us
Steven Salinas (ssalinas@mora.k12.nm.us)