Parents, MISD will be holding a parent meeting on Thursday September 3, 2020 at 6pm to discuss the hybrid and virtual learning options for Mora/Holman Elementary. Please use the link below. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 743 4604 7820 Passcode: 9m1W5L
over 4 years ago, John Maldonado
Just a Reminder: If you have not filled out the Re-entry survey, please fill out as soon as possible. Thank you. On September 8th, the Mora Independent School District will begin to accept students in person using a "Phase-In" model beginning with students in grades Pre-Kindergarten - 5th. Students in grades 6-8 and students in grades 9-12 will begin in-person to be announced at a later date. Once the hybrid phase begins, all students will have option to attend school virtually or in-person. This is subject to change based on NMDOH and the NM Governor's Public Health Orders. Once survey results are analyzed, more information on the re-entry plan will be distributed. *******Please fill out a survey for each child.********** You can find the survey on the following link.
over 4 years ago, Lefonso Castillo
Any students who left items in Middle School lockers last school year, please pick them up as soon as possible at Middle School office.
over 4 years ago, Tracy Alcon
On September 8th, the Mora Independent School District will begin to accept students in person using a "Phase-In" model beginning with students in grades Pre-Kindergarten - 5th. Students in grades 6-8 and students in grades 9-12 will begin in-person to be announced at a later date. Once the hybrid phase begins, all students will have option to attend school virtually or in-person. This is subject to change based on NMDOH and the NM Governor's Public Health Orders. Once survey results are analyzed, more information on the re-entry plan will be distributed. *******Please fill out a survey for each child.********** You can find the survey on the following link.
over 4 years ago, Lefonso Castillo
Parents if you are having difficulties using Google Classroom or Google Meets please contact your child’s respected teacher and or school office. As a district we are planning on providing some additional training on the challenges most are faced with using Google Classroom and Google Meets. Please see the link below for some additional information. Again, thank you for your continued support in this challenging time.
over 4 years ago, John Maldonado
Lazaro Garcia Middle School and Mora High School students are invited to register for the New Mexico Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (NM-MESA) program. Please logon to the Lazaro Garcia Middle School and/or the Mora High School webpage for more information on the program and the procedures for registration.
over 4 years ago, Lefonso Castillo
An additional 200 chromebooks was ordered as soon as we received budget authorityof our CARES Act funding earlier this summer. Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a nation wide shortage of chromebooks as most schools moved into a virtual environment. We made the decision to limit our existing chromebooks (89) to one per household in order to maximize the number of families that can receive the devices. Once we receive our shipment of chromebooks, we will distribute them to families that request them. We know this is a difficult time for everybody, please contact your principals if you need additional support for turning in work, obtaining materials etc. We are in this together, and hopefully sooner than later we can return to school in person. We certainly miss our students.
over 4 years ago, Mora Independent School District
School Logo
Beginning today, Thursday, August 20th the buses will depart the school district at 12:10 pm to deliver meals. This is in effort to accomodate the students that are still in class at 12:15. Thank you for your patience during these unprecedented times.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Rogers
Parents and Students of Lazaro Garcia Middle School and Mora High School: To ensure that your child(ren) are prepared for remote learning I have set up the following abbreviated schedule for your students to login into their Google classrooms on Friday, August 14th. Please ensure that your child(ren) login using the following schedule. Period Time 1st 8:30 – 9:00 2nd 9:00 – 9:30 3rd 9:30 – 10:00 4th 10:00 – 10:30 5th 10:30 – 11:00 6th 11:00 – 11:30 7th 11:30 – 12:00 8th 12:00 – 12:30 Teachers will use this time to introduce themselves to you child(ren) and relay policies and procedures related to their Google Classroom. Should your child(ren) have trouble logging in during this time please feel free to call my office at 387-3123. I will also be hosting a Q&A in regards to Remote Learning at 1:30 pm. Zoom ID# 971 9605 3193 Password - Z4kEzj Yours in leadership and learning, Lefonso Castillo
over 4 years ago, Lefonso Castillo
Meal deliveries for K-12 students enrolled with MISD begin Friday, August 14th. If you filled out a Meal Distribution Form please wait at the bus stop for meal pick-up. Buses will leave the district at 12:00 noon and will be delivered Monday - Friday during the distant learning module. Included will be a ready-to-eat lunch and a could breakfast for the following morning. Grab & Go meals will be available at the Mora Cafeteria from 12:00 - 12:30 for students that do not have a bus route. Pre-K students will begin receiving meals August 24th and Head Start students will begin receiving meals on September 1st. If you have not registered your child please fill out the Meal Distribution Form located with Student Registrtation Forms on the MISD website.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Rogers
Mora/Holman Virtual Schedule
over 4 years ago, John Maldonado
Mora/Holman Virtual Schedule
Mora/Holman Elementary will be distributing supplies Thursday August 13, 2020 from 1pm-3pm at both Mora and Holman site.
over 4 years ago, John Maldonado
Mora/Holman Elementary Meet and Greet Schedule has been posted in the News Feed as well as Facebook, please check the website for times and the Zoom log in information for your students teacher. If you have any questions please contact the Elementary office at 575-387-3132.
over 4 years ago, John Maldonado
If parents need to borrow student desks, stop by the Mora ISD admin building, fill out a request and pick up what you need.
over 4 years ago, Mora Independent School District
Mora Logo
Please log on to the for online registration for your elementary students. Registration forms are located on your child’s school web page, which can be accessed through the main page menu and please complete all enrollment forms for registration. If you are unable to access our website and registration forms please come into the Elementary office for a hardcopy. This registration will be for grades Pre-K through 5th grade. If you have already registered (Thank You) if your student is going to attend another school district or online schooling elsewhere, please let us know. Please contact us at 575-387-3132. By Tuesday we will have a schedule for a virtual Meet and Great meeting with you student’s teacher. It will be posted on the school web page. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, John Maldonado
For information on childcare options visit or in our parent resources section on our website. The New Mexico Early Childhood Bureau is sponsoring a families, friend and neighbor program to assist families with childcare.
over 4 years ago, Mora Independent School District
Please log on to for online registration. Registration forms are located on your child's school web page, which can be accessed through the main page menu. Please complete all enrollment forms for registration. If you need a hardcopy of the registration forms please contact your student's school.
over 4 years ago, Lefonso Castillo
Last day of the Seamless Summer Food Program was Friday, July 31st. We will begin the National School Lunch Program meal deliveries for students enrolled at MISD on Friday, August 14th. Please remember to fill out the MISD Meal Distribution Form located on the MISD website.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Rogers
Reminder: If your child will be enrolled at MISD for SY 20-21 please fill out the MISD Meal Distribution Form which is located under Student Registrations on the MISD wesite.
over 4 years ago, Rachel Rogers
Mora Independent School District Student Nutrition Services P.O. Box 179 #10 Ranger Rd, Hwy 518 Mora, NM 87732 Phone: 575-387-3115 Fax: 575-387-3111 TO: Parents and Guardians FROM: Rachel Martinez, FSD DATE: July 30, 2020 The Mora Independent Student Nutrition Services is pleased to announce that we will be offering “Bus deliveries of the Grab & Go Meals” via regular bus routes beginning August 14, 2020. Meals will be provided free of charge to all students registered at the MISD for SY 2020-21. Meal distribution will be updated when Hybrid Learning begins. Please fill out the MISD Meal Distribution form which is located with student registration forms on the MISD website. The ready to eat lunch and a breakfast for the following morning will be served simultaneously via your child’s regular bus route departing the school grounds at 12:00 p.m. daily. To estimate the time of delivery, follow the time frame of your child’s arrival after the school day. E.g. your child arrives at 3:30 p.m. then expect meal delivery around 12:30 p.m. Please have your child or an adult waiting at the bus stop to accept meals and please be patient with us as we adjust times of deliveries. If your child does not ride the bus you may pick up your child’s meal at the MISD cafeteria from 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. No one will be allowed in the building. Meal distribution site will be set up outside the building door. If driving, please stay in your car and meals will be passed through to the driver based on the number of children enrolled at MISD. All meals are to be consumed off school campus. Please follow storage tips included with meals. Please stay safe and healthy! Should you have any questions feel free to contact me at (575) 387-3115.
over 4 years ago, Mora Independent School District